Growth Gamification

With Leaderboards and Digital Badging

Employees are motivated by many different means with varying levels of effectiveness. But, one of the universally effective methods to motivate is recognition. Grow Strong's use of Digital Badging opens many doors into the world of recognition, achievement and gamification.

  • Convert simple skill acquisition into meaningful achievement
  • Team members can "level up" along a clear pathway
  • Drive acquisition of the right skills with positive reinforcement
  • Promote healthy competition and transparency with leaderboards

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How to Build a Winning Gamification Program

One Intentional Step at a Time

Step 1:

Identify Meaningful Milestones

As we help you build out an internal certification program in your company, it's important that we identify the skills and milestones that are meaningful, not only to the company, but to the employees who will stretch for them. Meaningful milestones challenge employees and give them a reason to go the extra mile. We will help you identify the most valuable skills in your company, and convert them into achievable and quantifiable milestones for your employees.

Step 2:

Build Levels

As we see demonstrated in schools, universities, martial arts, scouting and especially video games, the effectiveness of slicing the journey from zero to hero into smaller pieces cannot be underestimated. We will help you break down your journey into more attainable sets of skills and build levels that provide quick pay-offs for both employees and leaders.

Step 3:

Reward Achievements

Rewards come in many forms. In many business contexts, the reward for a positive yearly review is a raise in salary. In video games, the reward for completing a room, section or level is the ability to go on to the next (and maybe some points). We have many examples, all proving we must reward achievements if we want the "players" to continue playing. We will help you implement an automated reward system that borrows from those age-old ideas, but also extends them into new possibilities. You'll have new ways to detect skill-growth and new reasons to reward your employees in meaningful ways.

Step 4:

Celebrate as a Team

Celebration is quite possibly one of the most important forms of reward. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and just about any tough goal. The power of celebration is not in the individual who gets a reward, but in the group who can enjoy the reward together, no matter who came in first on the leaderboard, had the highest grades, or completed another year of life. Your certification program will give your organization new skills that were otherwise impossible. You'll be able to automate transparency and healthy competition in skill-growth, but you'll also have ways to help employees celebrate when they reach milestones together.

Supercharge Learning & Development

Grow Strong works beautifully alongside existing L&D structures/staff or as a stand-alone program. In fact, we believe Grow Strong's offering is greatly enhanced by the presence of a well-thought-out Learning and Development program.

L&D Alone

  • Amazing HR/L&D Staff
  • Learning Management System
  • Fabulous Content and Media Delivery System
  • Always Possible to Create/Curate More Content
  • Assign Courses/Classes to Prompt Learning
  • Track Course Completion and Attendance

L&D + Grow Strong

  • Same Amazing HR/L&D Staff
  • Enhances Existing LMS Experience
  • Utilizes Existing Content and Media
  • Opens the Door for More Content Sources
  • Assign Micro-Certifications to Acquire or Confirm Skills
  • Track Skill Acquisition

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Make your Organization Strong!

  • Eliminated sanctioned incompetence.
  • Reduce employee turn-over.
  • Recognize and celebrate growth.
  • Align skill development with company values and strategy.
  • Prioritize workforce re-skilling & promoting from within.
  • Discover and fill crucial skill-gaps.

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